Saturday, October 28, 2006


The most pressing task on my to-do list at the moment is to complete a presentation to senior management on the viability of project Condor in terms of time and resource needs, so I am not very busy. And I hate being bored.

But yesterday afternoon, an email from
R came round formally announcing his resignation. I responded saying it had been a pleasure working with him (it had) and that I was disappointed that our great working relationship was soon to be over (I was). What I didn't expect was a reply stating that I was "... without a shadow of doubt the best PM / good all-rounder that I have ever worked with...".

Either he needs to get out more or he wants something. Except I can't think what. Honestly, though, I felt absurdly flattered. Professional compliments are always more welcome than personal ones, and it put me in a very good frame of mind before I got on the train to Bayswater.

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