The internet was initially viewed as being impersonal, something that would drive people away from each other, limiting social interraction. And yet, dating sites aside, the internet can, on occasion, be a tool to bring people together as well.
A case in point is my meeting last night with Wayne Turmel. Yes, the Cranky Middle Manager himself was in London on business for the last few days, and he and I met up for a pint and an Italian dinner of dubious quality. At least the company made up for it.
Wayne is very entertaining company, and it was great to swap stories with him for a couple of hours on his last night on this side of the pond. Apparently, he has spent quite a bit of his time here meeting up with other people from the international online managers community (most of whom involved with sites I already read regularly) , but I feel honoured to have been given some time in his busy calendar.
Wayne, I hope you had a good flight back home, and I look forward to chatting to you again the next time you are over here (not sure when I will get the chance to be in Chicago).
1 comment:
Ahhhh Quiller my friend, the canneloni may have been just dubious but the company was terrific. I had a great time and wish you nothing but continued success with this blog. Of course if you keep saying nice things about The Cranky Middle Manager that helps too.
Amazing how this online thing is contributing to more meeting and networking- not less- isn't it?
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