Sunday, July 23, 2006


The recent heat wave in Britain is making me cranky. Although it's in weather like this - when the temperature is in the mid-thirties - that an air-conditioned car is THE way to commute, and the office air-conditioning is tolerable on most days, it's being at home that is getting to me.

Apart from the usual chores, I am not doing much of anything. The heat is sucking up all of my energy and enthusiasm. The nights are, if anything, worse than the days. When the sun finally goes down, the air becomes still and the faint warm breeze that earlier flapped at the curtains disappears. It takes me ages to get to sleep, bathed in my own perspiration, trying in vain to find a cool spot on the sheets.

I'd almost rather be at my desk. At least there I'd be cool, comfortable and productive.

Speaking of cranky people :-), I got my first comment a few days ago. Wayne Turmel - host & producer of The Cranky Middle Manager show - has obviously noticed his site on my blogroll, and took the time to welcome me to the blogosphere. Thanks Wayne.

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