Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The world's most loyal employer?

Loyalty in the workplace is a two-way street. If you show some loyalty and dedication to your job, your employer should reward you accordingly, and try to make sure you stay on. Help you out when personal problems get in the way, and try to make life easier for you.

Some employers are really good at this; others stink.

The story that really puts a lump in my throat is that of two young men, who were kidnapped a couple of weeks ago and taken across the border, away from their colleagues, family and friends. No-one has heard from them since, but their employers? They have been very actively involved in ensuring they are returned safe and sound. In fact, they have even started a war over it. The employer I am referring to, of course, is the Israeli army - surely the world's most supportive and loyal employer.

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