Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Could your staff do a better job?

No of course not! They couldn't possibly do your job better than you can. But, how many of them think they can?

According to an Investors in People survey (yes I know, here we go again) quoted in Management Issues, nearly a quarter of your staff think you don't communicate well enough, and could do a better job than you.

Before we start getting all hot and bothered, however, could we perhaps stop to think that perhaps a lot of our staff don't really know exactly what we do all day. Personally, I doubt whether a quarter of my staff would take my job if it were offered to them on a plate. While a few I know harbour ambitions in the managerial ranks, there are even more who enjoy the technical challenges and more immediate satisfaction that their jobs offer. The overtime can't hurt either.

Still, it should make us all wonder - do we really communicate well enough with our staff?

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